Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The 46 million person problem

Here's the problem, some 46 million Americans- including 8 million children, do not have the ability to acquire health care insurance. What can possibly be preventing a whopping 1/6 or about 16% of our fellow american's from recieveing this neccesity turned lurxury? One word can summate this mysterious anomonly, greed. The pace that health care premiums are running at are 4 times faster than wages have increased over the past 6 years. Now I am a American, who loves this country very dearly because we have liberties and opportunities that thrump most, if not all of the world. And in my opinion I firmly believe that innovation and entrepreneurship seriously stimulates this ecomony. But i also believe that there is a clear difference between making for a profit and sucking American's pockets dry. Here's what i mean; the healthcare system of this nation is fleeting rapidly with epidemics such as obesity-chronic diseases like diabetes, cancers and aids. It seems like every decade we have a new epidemic. Yet, with the knowledge of countless horror stories about families who potentially could have been helped further alone in the earlier stages or even better treated for the cureable, if only these families could have access to an adaquate healthcare provider, which could allowed them to see a doctor. Here are the facts, 4 cents of every health care dollar is spent on prevention and public health. So what does the equate to on a larger scale, lets take a look, the average worker pays $3,354 out of his or her paycheck in order to pay for health insurance premiums in 2008. On top of that the employers pay for you too. The average employer contribution was $9,325. So the total amount for one employeed person, health care costs ruffly $12,679. Now about 60% or 180 million american have some kind health coverage, with this percentage multiplied by the average total cost of health care paid for by the employee and employer ;thats about 2.3 trillion dollars a year the health care industry makes. Now going back to the 4 cents that the industry reinvests to help with prevention and public health. The industry takes out of pocket a total of 91 million dollars. That leaves 2.2 trillion plus 909 billion in change.We in america have over 46 million people without any type of insurance at all. Great, so now Justin you have lead me precisely to the problem at large, what is the solution, what can we do about it? Great question im glad you asked. Please go to my next blog titled the answer.